Pakistan Interfaith League (PIL)
(Click On the Link to get Registered)
Christian Task Force for Safeguarding Church Properties and Strengthening Church Capacities in Pakistan
The purpose of creating PIL – THE SHEPHERDS – CTF is to strengthen the work of Pakistan Interfaith League and to support the cause of promoting Interfaith Harmony and National Integration in Pakistan.
The objectives of PIL – THE SHEPHERDS – CTF are as under:
1. To safeguard all Missionary/Christian Institutions such as Churches, Christian Hospitals, Christian Educational Institutions, etc; other Christian institutions including Christian Seminaries, Pakistan Bible Society, National Council of Churches Pakistan, YMCA, YWCA, Campus Crusade for Christ etc;
2. The PIL- THE SHEPHERDS – CTF shall endeavor to safeguard lands and other immovable properties belonging to Churches or Missions from land mafia and persons with ill intentions towards the property;
3. PIL- THE SHEPHERDS – CTF shall also have under its mandate to safeguard/get released from any illegal possession; impede illegal sale, lease, or rent /partnership agreements of any nature; highlight all or any types of misappropriations or irregularities pertaining to finances, governance, internal control systems, administration, human resource, etc by Board of Directors, Executive staff, middle management, or involvement of any political person concerning Christian owned properties.;
4. PIL- THE SHEPHERDS – CTF, besides saving Church Property from illegal sale and leasing shall also evaluate the performance of Christian Institutions in order to ensure that the Institution is being run in compliance with international best practices;
5. PIL- THE SHEPHERDS – CTF will also assist Churches to unite and will act as mediator between different Christian groups to mitigate differences which impede the growth of the Church in Pakistan; build the capacity of Church Institutions through trainings, provide legal aid, where and when required;
6. PIL- THE SHEPHERDS – CTF will work closely with the Government and its functionaries at National and Provincial levels in order to help prevent any illegal attempts to misuse/illegally occupy/illegally sale/ illegally lease or hamper progress of any Church property/land.
7. PIL- THE SHEPHERDS – CTF will assist Church/Institutions in Pakistan to build their capacity in Governance, Financial Management and Programme Delivery.
8. PIL-THE SHEPHERDS – CTF will monitor the performance of all Minority representatives in the Senate, National and Provisional Assemblies and issue a quarterly report on their performance.
9. PIL-THE SHEPHERDS – CTF will also monitor the performance of members of National Commission of Minorities and other public office holders and issue quarterly report on their performance.
10. PIL-THE SHEPHERDS – CTF will also reach out to people persecuted on the basis of religion and raise voice against all injustices; assist them through free legal aid and endeavor to get them justice.
11. PIL-THE SHEPHERDS – CTF will keep an account of all Christian men, women and youth who have been arrested (on false charges or otherwise) and are languishing in jails and endeavor to provide them free legal assistance for their release.
Oath Taking Ceremony
I________________ take oath that,
1. I, (full name), do solemnly swear that I am a Christian and believe in the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and all the text that is written in the Bible;
2. I will bear true faith and allegiance to Pakistan;
3. That I will not allow my personal interests to influence my official conduct or my official decisions;
4. That I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution/By-laws of Pakistan Interfaith League (PIL);
5. I, in all circumstances, will do right to all manner of people, according to law, without fear or favor, affection or ill- will;
6. I will not directly or indirectly communicate or reveal to any person any matter, which shall be brought under my consideration or shall become known to me as member of Pakistan Interfaith League, except as may be required for the due discharge of my duties as Member;
7. I shall be loyal to my Motherland Pakistan and will never perform any act contradictory to its creditability;
8. I shall remain faithful with the Chairman (Sajid Ishaq) and always maintain his respect;
9. I shall provide all my best volunteer services to Pakistan Interfaith League (PIL) and provide my best to foster the cause of PIL;
10. I shall always follow the instructions of my seniors and will always act in the best interest of PIL Mission, Vision and objectives;
11. I shall never misuse my power, authority or contacts to harass any person, organization or otherwise.